Thank you for your interest in KA Global Group. You need the right people to succeed. KA Resources helps your business matching you with the candidates you have been looking for as soon as you need them.
You may contact one of our offices directly or use the form below to tell us about your current or expected openings. An experienced Consultant will contact you to discuss your needs in more detail.
How does it work?
We take the time to listen and understand your business. We identify your needs and discuss the current market state in order to develop the right hiring strategy for you, After our dedicated team of consultants locate, screen and present only the most qualified employees you’ll choose which highly qualified candidates to interview.
We will work with every step of the way. Our team communicates clearly throughout the process to make sure we are all on track to meet your timelines.
Once you’ve interviewed your top candidates, it’s time to get the right one in. We’ll make sure they’re ready to sign on the dotted line.
We stay connected with you to ensure our employees are meeting your expectations and we are delivering on our promises.
Working together, we develop a strategic partnership to make sure your future staffing process is more effective and grow your business.